Fill in the morning before catching your Ferry. Come and visit Lochmara in the morning back in Picton at 11.20 am. Not sure how long to stay? start with this then upgrade to the Cruise and Explore option
Popular time to visit. Depart Picton at 9.00am Depart Lochmara 2.45pm.
Make the most of long a Summer's day and come for the whole day. Depart Picton at 09.00am Depart Lochmara 5.00 pm. Available 1st Dec to 31st March 2025. 4.00pm from 1st April
Spend the early afternoon Lochmara and enjoy being out in the "Sounds." Depart Picton at 12.15pm and return from Lochmara 2.45pm.
Spend the afternoon exploring Lochmara and enjoy being out in the "Sounds." Depart Picton at 12.15pm Return from Lochmara 5.00 pm. Available Dec - end March
This is great for those who know they are not going to cancel. Depart Picton at 9.00am Depart Lochmara 2.45pm. This is non refundable and non transferrable price.
A great rate if you know you are not going to cancel Explore Lochmara and enjoy being out in the "Sounds." 12.15 pm Departure from 1st Dec-20 Dec. From 21st Jan-31st March Depart Picton at 12.15pm Depart Lochmara 5.00 pm.
This is great for those who know they are not going to cancel. Depart Picton at 9.00am Depart Lochmara 5:00pm. This is non refundable and non transferrable price.
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